Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Sovereignty of God Over the Days of Our Lives

"Your eyes saw my unformed substance; 

In Your book were written, every one of them, 

The days that were formed for me,

When as yet there was none of them." 

- Psalm 139:16 

In this verse, David praises God for that which so many modern evangelicals reject, His sovereign planning of the intimate details of our lives. In verse 6, he even says, "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me." But the American evangelical responds by squawking, "Free will! Free will! Free will!" with the same cadence and lack of thought as the seagull at the beach. If there were thought in their kneejerk response, they might recognize that their objection is the same that Satan offered Adam and Eve in their temptation (Genesis 3:5), i. e., the illusion of autonomy.

The problem for these devotees of their Saint Pelagius is that their holy invocation of "free will" is not biblical. The verse above is just one example to the contrary. Another that I like is, "I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all My purpose'" (Isaiah 46:9-10). And this verse provides the key, which is missed by too many professing Christians. The Bible includes God's absolute sovereignty in His nature as the unique living God. A god without sovereignty is not the God of the Bible, and, therefore, is a mere idol of men's fantasy. 

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